Goalkeeper Clinic!
In conjunction with our UK International Soccer Camp, Southlake Soccer is offering a goalkeeper camp with our outstanding and popular keeper trainer, Makenna Hadaller. Our Southlake Keeper Camp will focus on enhancing the abilities of goalkeepers of all levels, from beginners to advanced, and is open to ALL goalkeepers (not just Southlake), who are looking to take their skills to the next level.
Location: McKnight Middle School, located at 1200 Edmonds Ave NE, Renton WA 98056
Dates: August 7-11 (Mon-Fri)
Age Groups/Times:
U9-U12, 9-10:30am (New keepers and beginners)
U10-U12, 11am-12:30pm (Intermediate level)
U13-U19, 1-2:30pm (Intermediate to Advanced level)
Early Bird Registration Fee (before July 24th): $140/ Standard Registration Fee: $150
Click on the link below to REGISTER TODAY! Spaces are limited!
For camp questions, contact Makenna Hadaller: mhadaller@hotmail.com
For registration questions, contact our registrar, Abby Ruelas: Southlakeregistrar@gmail.com.