Registration Open for 2020-2021 Select Player Placement
Southlake is implementing changes to our “Tryouts” for the 2020-21 soccer season. Due to Covid-19, we are currently unable to hold traditional field tryouts. Instead of waiting until Washington State government lifts social distancing measures, many of the associations and RCL who play under Washington Youth Soccer are beginning registration and a team placement processes. Southlake is also moving forward with the following Player Placement Process.
Registration for the 2020-21 season is now open. Registering for Southlake will initiate your Request For Team Placement. Registration is open to ALL returning and new players.
Player Placement Process
Southlake will begin to place players on teams and offer team spots on May 9th. All players who have registered by May 8th will be assessed for appropriate team placement and offered a spot providing we have a viable team for them.
Southlake will continue to accept registrations after May 8th and work to place players if possible. After the May 9th Player Placement Process, we will communicate our team situations, whether they are full or have open spots on our website. We hope to have that information online by May 10th and will keep it updated.
Southlake will look at all registrations (Requests For Team Placements). Southlake coaches, Director of Coaching, and Board will work together to appropriately place players providing we have a viable team. We will use all information available to us to appropriately place players and form teams. It is important that all players fill in all the information during registration which is designed to provide avenues for Southlake to do our best to appropriately place all requests.
We believe our 2020-21 teams will closely resemble last year’s teams. All players who are offered and accept a team spot will be guaranteed a spot when field play opens for the 2020-21 Season.
Once Field Play Opens
Once field play opens we will begin our season. If teams still have available spots, Southlake will support players registering and contacting coaches about their interest in playing on their team. Coaches will be encouraged to invite those players to their practices and decide if the team is good placement. This will replace the Traditional Field Tryout and provide opportunity for players who do not register for the initial “Player Placement Process” to check out Southlake.